Jesus socializes after he supposedly dies

28 Jul

Jn: Jesus appeared once more to the disciples; Simon Peter, Thomas, (the twin), Nathanael, the sons of Zebedee and two other disciples. The disciples went fishing and when they returned, they had caught nothing. Jesus was waiting for them and said “throw your nets out on the right side,” and they caught more fish than they could pull in. Jesus said to them; “come and eat.” So Jesus went over, took the bread and gave it to them, he did the same with the fish. This was the third time Jesus appeared to them after he was raised from death.

Does it make you wonder why the bible keeps referring to the other disciples or the disciple he loves without specifying who they are? I think it is petty but then again if there is a cover up or a secret to uncover, then it makes sense.

Note the list of names. Recognize the same names keep appearing. There is one exception and that is Nathanael. It is very obvious that Judas and Lazarus are the two other disciples not named. Judas had fled ahead of Jesus and was very much alive – Hence the Judas Gospels.

This begins to become a total mockery. First Jesus’ body was not in the tomb on the first day and somehow this point has been missed. Secondly how could he rise from the dead on the third day, if there was no body on the first day? Jesus doesn’t rise to heaven but instead was spending time at the earthly level, many weeks after the event. It is being prolonged and prolonged. The final insult is he sits and eats with his bloodied hands, feet and side scar. I often wonder whether the fishing means ‘I’ll teach you to catch men’ (an expression used by Jesus when he first called his disciples) – Because he has certainly caught millions of people.

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